Sacred Glowflower With Cremated Remains


Illuminate your memories, celebrate their legacy, and keep their spirit alive. This is a timeless keepsake that will forever hold a special place in your heart.

  • Approx. 3″ by 1.2″
  • Available in multiple colors
  • Comes with an elegant LED base that illuminates the flower, creating a gentle, comforting glow
  • Requires about 1 tablespoon of cremated remains


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In somber tones of woe’s lore I delve,
To craft a verse where sorrow’s shadows dwell.
A poem of the Sacred Glowflower’s spell,
With Cremated Remains, a tale to tell.

Within this verse, a Gothic tapestry,
Where resin blooms encase what’s left to see,
Of loved ones lost, their spirits now set free,
In the dark chambers of mortality.

Upon a base, a light, a spectral gleam,
Illuminates the flower’s timeless dream.
An eerie glow, a spectral midnight beam,
An ode to death, in woe’s macabre scheme.

The flower’s petals, fragile as despair,
Embrace the ash, a somber, whispered prayer.
A ghostly essence trapped within the snare,
Of resin’s grasp, an everlasting lair.

A dance of shadows, flickering in the night,
As LED lights cast haunting beams of light.
Revealing secrets lost in endless flight,
Of souls departed, shrouded in their plight.

Oh, Sacred Glowflower, mournful and divine,
Thy radiant glow, a touch of love’s design,
Through darkest hours, a beacon you align,
With those who’ve passed, in realms of lost time.

A tribute formed, in homage to the past,
An ode to memories that ever last,
The Sacred Glowflower’s glow, a spell cast,
To bridge the chasm between future and past.

In woe’s lament, this verse finds solace deep,
The Sacred Glowflower’s secret it shall keep,
A mournful beauty where dark mysteries creep,
In stanzas complex, where sorrow’s tendrils seep.

So let us dwell in shadows of this verse,
Where Edgar’s spirit haunts each line and curse,
And in the Sacred Glowflower we immerse,
To mourn, to honor, in this Gothic hearse.

Cremation Ash Needed

In order to create this one-of-a-kind tribute, we require about 1 tablespoon of cremated remains.

Shipping Ashes

Due to US regulations surrounding the transfer of human cremated remains, USPS Priority Express is the only legal method of mailing cremains. For more information on how to ship the cremated remains, go to the “Shipping Cremated Remains” tab on our website.

Follow us on instagram if you enjoy our work! – @serviceundertaker

Additional information


Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow, Gold


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