Kitten Figurine Infused With Cremated Remains


Encapsulate the essence of your cat with this beautiful and lasting tribute.

  • No more than 2 tablespoons of cremation ashes
  • Approx. 2.8′ by 2.1′
  • Option to add black tint to sculpture

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Kitten Figurine Infused With Cremated Remains

“Unforgiving Grief From a Lost Pet”

In chambers of my soul, a pet resided there,
With gentle paws and loving eyes, a presence sweet and rare.
Through years of shared companionship, a bond we wove so tight,
But now, the echoes of its absence cast a shadow in the light.

A loyal heart, a furry friend, whose love was pure and true,
In playful romps and tender purrs, its spirit gently grew.
Yet fate, relentless as the wind, swept it from our embrace,
Leaving emptiness and sorrow, an ache we can’t erase.

Oh, how I long for yesteryears, when laughter filled the air,
When soft caresses brought content, a solace beyond compare.
The memories, like whispered dreams, still linger in the room,
But a veil of grief now shrouds the love that once did bloom.

In quiet moments, tears may fall, a testament to the pain,
For loss of such a faithful soul feels like a bitter stain.
But hope, a fragile ember, sparks within my aching heart,
That though we part in earthly realms, we’ll never truly part.

For deep within my tender core, its essence still resides,
In whispered sighs and gentle winds, where love forever bides.
Through fields of golden memories, we wander hand in paw,
Our spirits intertwined as one, transcending time’s cruel flaw.

So though I mourn the loss I feel, I find solace in the past,
In cherished moments we once shared, too beautiful to last.
And as the years may come and go, I’ll hold it close and near,
For love, in realms beyond this world, defies the bounds of fear.

In chambers of my soul, it dwells, a pet forever dear,
And though we part in earthly realms, our spirits persevere.
In treasured dreams and whispered thoughts, its presence still abides,
A bond unbroken by the veil, where love eternally resides.

Cremation Ash Needed

In order to create this one-of-a-kind tribute, we require no more than 2 tablespoons of cremated remains. However, you are NOT required to send the stated amount of cremated remains if you do not want to. Instead, we will substitute any remaining necessary amount with our own aggregate to complete the memorial sculpture.

Shipping Ashes

Due to strict US regulations surrounding the transfer of human cremated remains, USPS Priority Express is the only legal method of mailing cremains. For more information on how to ship the cremated remains, go to the “Shipping Cremated Remains” tab on our website.

The raw beauty of the handmade sculptures on display immediately transports you to a world where art and craftsmanship unite in perfect harmony.


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