Cat Ashes Memorial Sculpture


Discover an exquisitely crafted cat ashes memorial, where art and remembrance intertwine.

  • No more than 4 tablespoons of cremation ashes
  • Approx. 3.4′ by 2.4′
  • Option to add black tint to sculpture

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Cat Ashes Memorial Sculpture

“An Oath to Our Feline Friend”

A cat, so sleek and fine, in shadows he would dance,
His graceful form, a melody, brought joy with every glance.
But oh, the grief that pierced our souls when fate did intervene,
For now, our feline friend has passed, his presence left unseen.

In memories, we hold him dear, his purrs and gentle touch,
The way he’d curl upon our laps, his love, a gift so much.
But time, a thief relentless, steals memories from our grasp,
And as we mourn our loss, we fear his spirit too shall pass.

Yet hope, a flicker in the dark, guides us through the pain,
A cat ashes sculpture, where his essence shall remain.
With tender artistry, his ashes fused, forever they endure,
Preserving all the moments lost, his spirit pure and sure.

This sculpted form, a homage true, reflects his grace and charm,
His whiskers etched upon its face, his spirit there to disarm.
No longer lost in fading thoughts, his memory held so tight,
This sculpture brings us solace, brings his presence back to light.

For as we gaze upon his form, his essence lingers near,
The warmth of his companionship, we feel it crystal clear.
In ashes, love transformed, his spirit finds release,
Embracing us with whispers soft, his soul forever at peace.

And though he’s gone, his presence shines, in every heartfelt glance,
In every shadow’s playful dance, his spirit’s endless dance.
A cat ashes sculpture, a testament of love and grace,
Preserving memories, forever cherished, in this hallowed space.

So let us find in art’s embrace, the solace that we seek,
As memories of our feline friend, with tenderness we speak.
For though he’s crossed the great divide, his spirit still resides,
Within this sculpted masterpiece, forever he abides.

Cremation Ash Needed

In order to create this one-of-a-kind tribute, we require no more than 4 tablespoons of cremated remains. However, you are NOT required to send the stated amount of cremated remains if you do not want to. Instead, we will substitute any remaining necessary amount with our own aggregate to complete the memorial sculpture.

Shipping Ashes

Due to strict US regulations surrounding the transfer of human cremated remains, USPS Priority Express is the only legal method of mailing cremains. For more information on how to ship the cremated remains, go to the “Shipping Cremated Remains” tab on our website.

The raw beauty of the handmade sculptures on display immediately transports you to a world where art and craftsmanship unite in perfect harmony.


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