Bully Dog Figurine With Cremated Ashes


This figurine is a beautifully crafted sculpture made from the cremated remains of your little paw friend

  • Roughly 2.5″ by 1.75″
  • Option to add black tint to your sculpture
  • Requires at least 2 tablespoons of cremated remains; less can be sent to us if desired. We will substitute remaining necessary amount of ashes with other aggregates if 2 tablespoons are not provided.

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Bully Dog Figurine With Cremated Ashes

“An Oath To Man’s Best Friend”

In shadows cast by twilight’s gentle hand,
Where sorrow weaves its cloak, we humans stand.
A tale I’ll share, with heartfelt words implore,
Of loyal friends whose spirits we adore.

The dogs, the canines bound by love’s decree,
They touch our souls, like whispers from the sea.
Their eyes, like lanterns beaming through the night,
Illuminate our hearts with purest light.

Man’s closest kin, with paws upon the earth,
They offer solace, joy, and boundless mirth.
Through childhood’s days, companions true they stay,
Their presence brightening life’s winding way.

Oh, dogs! Dear hounds, your spirits intertwine,
With ours, from days of youth till end of time.
Like woven threads upon a tapestry,
You lend your hearts to ours so fervently.

But when the shadows claim their precious breath,
And gentle whispers steal them into death,
A void, deep-rooted, finds its way to grow,
As tears cascade, and sorrow’s rivers flow.

The ache, so piercing, reverberates within,
As cherished memories flicker, faint and thin.
Each wagging tail, each soft and lapping tongue,
Leaves a void that cannot ever be undone.

They run through fields of dreams beyond our reach,
Yet, still, their presence in our hearts will teach,
That love endures, transcending earthly ties,
As dogs become eternal in our cries.

For though their mortal days may pass us by,
Their spirits linger, never to deny,
The bond they forged, unbreakable, so strong,
Forever imprinted, like an ancient song.

So let us hold these memories so dear,
Like whispered secrets only we can hear.
In recollections, let their spirits thrive,
And find solace in the love that will survive.

Oh, dogs! Our guardians, our lifelong friends,
Your loyalty, a tale that never ends.
Though tears may fall and hearts may deeply grieve,
Your love, undying, helps our souls retrieve.

In every bark that echoes through the air,
In every paw print left behind with care,
In every memory etched upon our souls,
Your love remains, unyielding, always whole.

So let us honor those who’ve crossed the veil,
And know their love will never, ever fail.
For dogs, dear friends, with hearts so true and pure,
They’re forever, man’s best friend, that’s for sure.

Cremation Ash Needed

In order to create this one-of-a-kind tribute, we require a minimum of 2 tablespoons of cremated remains. However, you are NOT required to send the stated amount of cremated remains if you wish not to. Therefore, we will substitute any remaining necessary amount with our own aggregate to complete the memorial sculpture.

Shipping Ashes

Due to strict US regulations surrounding the transfer of human cremated remains, USPS Priority Express is the only legal method of mailing cremains. For more information on how to ship the cremated remains, go to the “Shipping Cremated Remains” tab on our website.

The beauty of our cremation sculptures immediately transports you to a world where art and craftsmanship unite in perfect harmony.


Additional information


Normal, Black Tint


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