Boy Figurine With Cremation Ash


This figurine is a beautifully crafted sculpture made from the cremated remains of your loved one.

  • Roughly 2.5″ by 1.5″
  • Option to add black tint to your sculpture
  • Requires at least 2 tablespoons of cremated remains; less can be sent to us if desired. Will substitute remaining necessary amount of ashes with other aggregates if 2 tablespoons are not provided.


Boy Figurine With Cremation Ash

A Boy Figurine, with cremation ash imbued,
A tribute to a loved one, forever renewed,
Crafted with care, each detail precise,
A masterpiece that brings memories to life.

At Service Undertaker, we turn grief to art,
Honoring the departed with a compassionate heart,
Creating a sculpture, unique and rare,
A symbol of love, that we can all share.

Display it on a mantel or a bookshelf,
Or on a desk or a place to keep to yourself,
Cherished memories that we hold dear,
A source of comfort, that is always near.

With our cremation art, we keep the spirit alive,
A testament to the love that will always thrive,
Let us create a masterpiece, that will last for years,
A symbol of hope, that will calm all fears.

Our dedication to quality and craftsmanship,
Ensures a figurine that will forever last,
So let us turn those ashes into something grand,
A Boy Figurine, a tribute that will forever stand.

Allow us to ease the pain and the sorrow,
With a work of art, that we can always borrow,
A memory that will never fade,
A Boy Figurine, that forever will be displayed.

Cremation Ash Needed

In order to create this one-of-a-kind tribute, we require a minimum of 2 tablespoons of cremated remains. However, you are NOT required to send the stated amount of cremated remains if you wish not to. Therefore, we will substitute any remaining necessary amount with our own aggregate to complete the memorial sculpture.

Shipping Ashes

Due to strict US regulations surrounding the transfer of human cremated remains, USPS Priority Express is the only legal method of mailing cremains. For more information on how to ship the cremated remains, go to the “Shipping Cremated Remains” tab on our website.

The beauty of our cremation sculptures immediately transports you to a world where art and craftsmanship unite in perfect harmony.


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Normal, Black


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